Jailed ex-Premier League star Adam Johnson refuses to eat prison food

Jailed ex-Premier League star Adam Johnson refuses to eat prison food



Adam Johnson has lost half a stone since he was sentenced to six years behind bars last month.



This is according to The Sun, who understand the former Sunderland and England footballer is snubbing prison food because he’s worried inmates who work in the canteen of HMP Armley are spitting in it.




As a result, Johnson is subsequently surviving on a diet of cereal, tins of tuna and Pot Noodles – three meals he is able to prepare in his cell.



“It is no secret that inmates spit in food they know is going to sex offenders,” a source was quoted as telling the Daily Star.


“It is hardly great food to start with but having to worry whether someone has spat in it would put someone off still further.

“Johnson has lost quite a bit of weight because he’s not eating much.”