Wright Sends Message Of Support To Odegaard After Arsenal’s Second Place Finish

Wright Sends Message Of Support To Odegaard After Arsenal’s Second Place Finish

Ian Wright has sent a supportive message to Martin Odegaard after Arsenal finished second in the Premier League.

In 2024, Mikel Arteta’s men gave Manchester City an outstanding push. Even though the Gunners only dropped four points in this calendar year, they were still two points behind the eventual champions.

As one might expect, skipper Odegaard is devastated, and Wright, a legend of Arsenal, has now shown him some love on Instagram.

For a significant portion of the 2023–24 season, Arsenal were breathtaking.

After conceding just 29 goals in 38 games, the North Londoners had the best defense in the Premier League. They also scored 91 goals, five fewer than Manchester City, which was the second-highest number.

In the end, it all came down to razor-thin margins, and Arsenal’s April 2-0 loss to Aston Villa at the Emirates proved to be their undoing.

The disappointment of not winning the Premier League title on the last day of the season has been felt by Odegaard.

He made a comment on the same on Instagram before expressing his gratitude to the Arsenal supporters for their amazing support all season long.

Along with declaring his conviction that the team have a bright future. Odegaard also pledged to return stronger the following season.

According to TBR Football, after seeing the Norwegian’s Instagram post, Arsenal great, Wright sent him a seven-word message of support.

“We love you Skip. We go again,” he wrote.

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After the season, Arsenal have nothing to be embarrassed about.

The Gunners showed significant improvement as they took the title battle to the very last day of the campaign. They should be commended for their accomplishments.