Napoli coach Gattuso to Pirlo on Juventus job: You’re screwed!

Napoli coach Gattuso to Pirlo on Juventus job: You’re screwed!

Napoli coach Gennaro Gattuso was able to joke about Andrea Pirlo taking the Juventus post after their defeat at Barcelona.

Pirlo was named Juve coach as Napoli were being eliminated from the Champions League at Barcelona.

“Well he’s screwed now… That’s the job,” laughed Gattuso.

“He’s lucky to be starting at Juventus, but this profession is one where a great playing career is not enough. You have to study, to work hard, and you don’t get much sleep.

“Being a player and being a coach is really not the same thing at all. It’s a totally different profession and we can’t learn it just from books, we need to get in there and work hard. It’s a different world.”